A new era begins in the world of hemp
It’s hard to imagine that something that has been around for what feels like forever could have new life breathed into it. So is the case with hemp and all of the products that are made from it. We’re talking plastics, food, and even gasoline. Yes, automobiles are driving down the road right now powered by hemp. Who would have thought that a plant could give fuel to combustion engines? Hemp can, and it’s only a matter of time before it’s used for other things. Who knows, maybe someday hemp will be used as rocket fuel.
Lotions, hair care products, and cosmetics are now made with hemp
If there’s one thing all three things products have in common, it’s that they’re made from California hemp. The oil from hemp seeds produces a soft silky product that hair seems to love. Beyond that, the cosmetic industry seems to be going crazy right now over hemp oil. It’s almost as if they can’t get enough of the stuff. Why is that? It’s because hemp oil is great for the skin. Women who use cosmetics made from hemp oil notice an immediate feeling of plump skin that is also more elastic. If you ever see a woman who looks younger than her age, hemp oil very well could be the reason for that.
Many foods are rich in hemp
What foods are we talking about? Hemp seeds are a great source of protein. Did you know that many meat alternatives use hemp seeds? The seeds are ground and used as a means of adding vegan protein to foods. Vegan means that there are no animal products, and many people are trying to live a plant based life. Hemp helps them do that while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Even people who eat animal products can benefit from hemp’s lean protein and other foods from its oil.
Your favorite flavored water may soon have a dose of hemp
Yes, even flavored water is getting the hemp treatment. Why not? Hemp is healthy, all-natural, and it tastes great. You can easily find a million reasons why it should be added to water. If anything, it’s surprising that hemp hasn’t been added to water sooner. Oh, in case you were wondering, hemp tea is a thing too. People have been drinking hemp tea for quite some time, but hemp water is a relatively new phenomenon.